

Grow Global Chats: GoTo

Cloudwords CEO Michael Meinhardt talks with GoTo's Chief Marketing Officer Jamie Domenici about the challenges facing translation localization.

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Grow Global Chats: Oracle

Cloudwords CEO Michael Meinhardt talks with Oralce's Vice President of Marketing Heike Neumann about the current localization landscape and how automation ...

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Grow Global Chats: ServiceNow

Cloudwords CEO Michael Meinhardt talks with ServiceNow's Director of Marketing Localization Mariëtte Pepping about the current localization landscape and how ...


Grow Global Chats With Google Cloud

Listen to Google Cloud's Head of Marketing Production & Automation Meghan Mayday talk with Cloudwords CEO Michael Meinhardt. 


Grow Global Chats with Uberflip

Longtime friend and partner Randy Frisch, CMO of Uberflip, joined Cloudwords CEO Michael Meinhardt to discuss the relevance of a global customer ...


Localize Marketo Campaigns in 4 Easy Steps

Check out Localize Marketo Campaigns in 4 Easy Steps! Cloudwords CEO Michael Meinhardt and Director of Product Management and Support Kincaid Day demonstrated how ...


Grow Global Chats with ServiceNow

The January 2021 Grow Global Chat guest, Mariëtte Pepping of ServiceNow, has built a strong digital localization strategy over the past six years. Mariëtte has grown ServiceNow’s ...

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Grow Global Chats Cisco

The December Grow Global Chats featured the wonderful Jane Faraola, Solutions Program Manager at Cisco! We are so excited to share Jane’s voice as she is a localization expert and industry leader. ...


Grow Global Chats Microsoft

It's not too late to watch the Grow Global Chat starring Ryan Schroeder, Senior Engineering Program Manager at Microsoft! Ryan and his team are recent Cloudwords Global Scale Award winners ...

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Grow Global Chats F5

In case you missed it, check out the launch of our new webinar series: Grow Global Chats! Melinda Hansell, Leadership Award winner was the star of this first ever GGC webinar. Melinda shared her ...


Global Content Velocity and Marketing Campaign Best Practices

When it comes to global content delivery, leading companies like yours require control, speed, and accountability. Learn how Adobe, Workfront, and Cloudwords provide Fortune 1000 organizations ...


Lessons Learned from Globalization Automation

August's Ask Michael Anything features Muddassar Ahmed of Splunk. Michael and Muddassar discuss the lessons they learned from globalization automation, advantages of ...


Integrating Marketing Automation Tools

Check out our July Ask Michael Anything webinar for Aimee's unique perspective on investing in marketing automation tools and on Mouser's maturation ...


Content Generation in the Age of COVID-19

August's Ask Michael Anything features Muddassar Ahmed of Splunk. Michael and Muddassar discuss the lessons they learned from globalization automation, advantages of ...


Establishing the Right Marketing Strategy and Focus

The May edition of Ask Michael Anything features Elle Woulfe from InVision. Elle offers her insights on motivating teams while working remotely, how to drive early ...


Building Business Cases for a Globalization Process

April's Ask Michael Anything webinar spotlights Melinda Hansell of F5 Networks. Melinda and Michael engage in a conversation about accelerating a company's digital ...


Understanding Globalization Maturity

Our first-ever Ask Michael Anything webinar features localization experts Michael Meinhardt (CEO of Cloudwords), Pablo Vasquez, Melissa Biggs and Tim Arata (Locale ...