Don’t Let These 5 Translation Review Challenges Slow Your Global Growth

2 min read


When it comes to the translation workflow, the review process is the final, most critical stage: It’s the time to ensure:

  • Translations are accurate;
  • The intended meaning rings true;
  • Text reads fluidly in its new language; and
  • Copy layout fits the template.

However, if you’re using manual techniques or traditional processes to review translations, this stage is likely the most frustrating phase of your translation workflow, and, let’s face it: Just. Too. Slow. Many translation management systems claim to have tools that streamline the review phase, but none compare to Cloudwords’ OneReview…

We recently held a webinar with the translation management experts at Rockant to provide an in-depth look at Cloudwords’ innovative and industry-leading collaborative editing tool, OneReview. OneReview speeds and simplifies the translation review process by solving the pain points most commonly associated with this phase of the translation workflow, and much more. View the on-demand version here.

Too Slow Means No Go

For global marketing, content localization is essential to communicate with customers and engage prospects. However, if your global campaigns are delayed due to review phase hold-ups, it’s time to tackle those challenges with new cloud technology capabilities that eliminate outdated, manual operations and significantly accelerate the review and editing workflow.

Here are the top 5 translation review challenges cited most often by marketing and content managers:

  1. Inability for all managers, reviewers, translators and other stakeholders to access, view and make edits and suggestions collaboratively.
  2. Inability to manage and track the status of translation reviews, and who is responsible for each phase, which creates bottlenecks and causes delays.
  3. Inability of reviewers to access content in a CMS or marketing automation platform, requiring multiple files to be sent back and forth via email, creating “version control” issues… and more delays.
  4. Inability to view both the translation and original source text side by side for comparison.
  5. Inability to see “in context” how the newly translated copy impacts the layout of the asset, such as in an email or webpage.

OneReview Puts Everyone on the Same Page

View the on-demand webinar below to learn how OneReview puts managers, reviewers, and translation providers on the same page. By optimizing the review process, automating the workflow, and providing true in-context review and editing capabilities, OneReview shortens the review process from weeks to days or hours, which means translations can be completed faster and marketing content can be delivered on time – helping you reach global go-to-market goals.

Don’t let outdated translation management techniques and review practices impede your global growth and ability to generate new revenue opportunities. Contact us at to learn more.




Written by Ashish Agrawal